I've been working really hard trying to just keep up with school. This semester has definitely been harder than ones in the past. I'm doing all I can to pass Econ and Accounting. At this point, it's a "we'll see" how these turn out.
I just had the best weekend, ever, though. I had Relay for Life on Friday and walked for a long time with my new sorority sisters. On Saturday, my pledge class held our service project with the kids at a local shelter and we had so much fun! We played kickball, had sack races and jumped rope for hours. Later on Saturday, I danced the night away at my friend Maria's Quinceañera (15th birthday party). Today was my sorority chapter's celebration day, where I was inducted and we took a lot of pictures.
Here are some:
Me and my "big sisters" at Relay

The entire ΓΣΣ sisterhood

A big thanks to everyone who donated to Relay for Life. Clemson's Relay raised nearly $100,000 for cancer research. Every bit helps, and this is a fight we can win.
☮ & ♥